lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Pirate Yogurt

Pirate Yogurt

This is how to copy/paste your favorite yogurt…=)

How is this possible ? Well . yogurt , by definition , is a living bacterial culture…
So yes.. you are eating living things every time you eat yogurt… yuuuuum.

So we will take that mixture of bacterias that the capitalist multinational company took so much time to domesticate , develop and patent and just put those cute microbes to work for us… forever….without any other wage but milk =)


Just take you favorite yogurt and take a clean semi-esterilized empty glass jar (or as many jars as you like)…

You just have to make a thin layer of yogurt in the insides of the jar.. be sure that all the inside is covered with a thin layer of yogurt..
To achieve this I just pour it through the inner wall of the jar and then spin it around slowly in an horizontal way till everything is neatly white…

Then just pour some milk above 3.5% fat inside…till the very top and close it tight…
You have to fill it to the very top because fermentation should be anaerobic… so…don't leave place for oxygen.

Leave it for 12 hours in a warm place…whatever works.. this time I just left it in my cupboard.
After 12 hours the exponential growth of the lactic bacteria is almost reaching its peak… so you can take into the fridge to continue the fermentation there…

The fermentation time is proportional to the viscosity of the yogurth.
You must experiment.. but here are some thumb rules:
12 hours makes a pretty runny yogurt … after that is starts getting thicker and thicker…
Do not open the jar constantly just to see how its doing because you can pollute it…


Add flavor… honey , vanilla extract if u are in mexico… pumping seed oil if you are in austria… grains , fruits , whatever…

I normally use if for smoothies … so I leave it like that.

Sterilization process. 

I just add some boiling water inside the empty jar for a while… and close the lid to increase the pressure inside…. if you are obsessive compulsive you can additionally put the closed jar in boiling water.
Ive done this with the best care and with the least care… and it has never been contaminated.. so I guess it will work either way as long as you don't live in a shit hole or beatbox spitting above your yogurt.

Good news! Ive invited my friend Simon to run this blog and he said ok  !!!
He is also an empirical gangsta cook like us !! Only that he is a very good one !
He and his girl Allison are always surprising the friends with amazing hi tech lovely food for our bellies and our smiles !! Looking forward for the first post !!


1 comentario:

  1. Only problem with pirate yoghurt is when yoghurt is being sold cheaper than milk...there is an economic dilemma!
