I normally avoid all decorations and deny all fancy shait about cuisine…. but recently I have been decorating the presentation of my food unconsciously.
(Maybe I am having the equivalent of the girls period nowadays… I also bought a very homosexual bike that Im enjoying a lot…)
Anyways…. somehow a good presentation give a plus to our little minds…
This is what I had for dinner today….
Potato Cream
What did I had in my house:
- A sac of about 20 decaying little potatoes I had to deal with right away.
- About 30 grams of butter.
- Soy Milk
- 3 little carrots.
- 1 onion
- 1 Vegetables bouillon square.
- Normal spices : pepper, salt , dried chili flakes…
NOTE: Whenever you don't have everything I list here… don't worry… just do it with what you have…almost everything works. For example… even If you didn't had the potatoes…. follow the same procedure and just add more carrots or vice versa… Im just describing the true story here bros…
Lets Begin
1. Put the potatoes whole or sliced , the chopped carrots and the peeled onion in big chunks to boil with some salt , little bit of oil or butter…and add the vegetable bouillon. Just use enough water to cover all the ingredients. You don't need to bother in chopping stuff finely.. just add normal chunks because we will boil that bitch up later...
You can add a little bit of whatever you want while everything is boiling…. examples: rosemary , oregano , ground pepper, chili powder.
When the potatoes and carrots become soft the boiling process is done… turn the heat of and let it cool a little bit….take about 1/4 of the total potatoes and leave them somewhere.
2. Then Blend everything with a blender or a mixer… (A mixer is more comfortable since you don't have to be juggling with hot stuff. )
(Before you blend, you should decide if you need to throw some of the boiling juice away…. you can put it in a cup just in case the result is too dense and you need to make more runny. )
When you start using the mixer you can also start heating a slice of butter as thick as your finger (around 25 grams) and about a glass of the milk or more in a separate pot.
3. When the milk starts boiling add the blended stuff and the potatoes you saved in small cubes.
4. Stir and taste… add more salt or pepper if you want. Stir until the mixture is homogenous and beautiful.
If you are feeling a little bit more gay than usual, like me, and you want to decorate just…
5. Toast a normal bread and then cut it into cubes….. and grind some gouda or whatever cheese you have into the center.
Looks pretty fancy , eh?.
Girls will think you are sensitive and shit… and boys will think you are feminine and shit…
enjooooooy !!
This was enough for about 6-7 plates like the one in the pic. You can save it and be happy tomorrow or share it and be happy together.
This thing is not effort nor time consuming… you can leave the thing boiling with the lid half ways read , take a shower , paint or cook some other stuff…
I don't recommend to have sex , (not even quickies) meanwhile because accidents WILL happen …(Well I know sometimes it gets out of control… so have it in the kitchen always… but be careful!
Ive found that is interesting to touch sensible parts after slicing some hot peppers….but u need to be a little bit crazy.. wash your hands before because it might be too strong )
====The cooking part is over…. this are just some more important stuff you need to learn ASAP !===
Peel just what you really need to…
If the potatoes and carrots are healthy looking don't bother peeling them… just wash them if they are dirty and cut the ends of the carrots…
Peeling is a bad habit we learned in the westernized world…
Its just a waste of time , food, and good stuff. And is not an enjoyable task…
The peel is a very good source of fiber, it actually tastes good and gives a nice texture to the food.
And you don't get rid of any pollutants when you peel carrots or potatoes…(unless some expert in the field has relevant data on this subject).
So , experiment with this advice and you'll see how less reluctant you'll become towards cooking.
warning: Do peel the onion =)
Im not here to teach physics… but saving energy is good in every sense.
I always bring water to boil in a water boiler… It saves lots of time and lots of energy since most of the energy input from the stove is consumed in getting the water to change its phase from water to vapor…
Also , when you boil stuff , you should cover the pot… this establishes a phase equilibrium sooner… is a quite counterintuitive phenomena because you might think that by increasing the pressure inside the pot you will need a higher temperature to make the water boil…. but no!! The air phase inside the pot is quickly saturated and the water molecules travel soon between phases. See it like this: when a water molecule enter the liquid phase .. one liquid water molecule has to abandon it , thus becoming vapor..
Like the clubs in sweden that are traumatized by fire prevention…. one in , one out..
Summary : boil in boiler and cover pot while boiling.
Boiling is really important not only to cook raw things… but it is also the perfect way to mix things at molecular level…. the high heat brakes sugar polymers and proteins thus leaving them free and relaxed to mingle and make love with other molecules from other ingredients in the mixture or simply to expand themselves in their full extent thus making the stuff thicker and richer. Boiling is the key for mixing… use it wisely and do not abuse it.
I never taste the food while cooking….WE should !! We should taste every once in a while and act in consequence to assure the perfect flavor.
There is a safety rule when you are curious to try spices or other stuff you have in you kitchen…
just add a little bit and taste...little by little there is no failure.